Family Computer 15 years ago is a totally different thing

Family Computer
Remember that in the photo? As the caption tells, "If you had one of these, your childhood was legendary."

Well it might be true. I remember when we were children, our neighbor with this kind of gadget about 15 years ago was just everyone's target to befriend - the reason: to have a chance to play with this obsolete gaming tool called Family Computer.

I remember, this gaming gadget 15 years ago requires a television screen to display the graphics. If you are Pinoy, I'm sure you are aware about the bala, a casette tape-like thing that loads a certain game.

Some of the most common games being played here are Contra, Super Mario and Battle City.

Indeed, time is going fast that this type of gaming tool has now been replaced by digital gadgets only using your finger to operate them. Nowadays, just touch the screen and there you have it!

But let us remember that this type of gadget was everyone's dream those times and once you acquire it, you were actually a legendary as the caption tells.

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