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American Idol Contestant Kicked Out Due to Criminal Charges

Jermaine Jones, so-called gentle giant was disqualified in the American Idol show on the ground of concealing previous criminal charges from producers of the show.

An article has been released by TMZ about this matter"

A contestant on "American Idol" will be kicked off the show Wednesday because the singer concealed multiple crimes from producers ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected with the show tell us ... the contestant -- one of the final 12 -- was charged with 2 crimes in 2011, one involving violence.  We're told in both cases the contestant gave a fake name to cops when arrested.

In addition, we're told the contestant has outstanding warrants -- again, the singer concealed it from producers.

We're told the contestant was confronted with the information on camera today and the footage will air on Wednesday's show.
Well, rule is rule and every contestant must abide with the rules. But I think, for such a great talent, it would be unfair somehow if we won't give him a chance to prove his worth. Let the people judge him afterwards but for the mean time, he must be given the opportunity to share what he has to offer. Previous criminal charges has no direct relation to talent. In fact there are a lot of famous artists now on which they are no longer serve as an inspiration but instead, they become a disgrace to the youth for showing attitudes and acts that are not suitable to the young generation.

However, American Idol reserves that right to decide about this matter.

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