Miriam Santiago Receives Complaints to be 'Unethical"

Photo by REUTERS
The lady senator Miriam Santiago is facing a complaint filed by human rights group called Born Free Coalition for Truth & Justice and Raphael Intelligence and Safety Provider, Inc.

According to the complainants, Santiago is "exceeding the bounds of propriety, good manners and right conduct in her public tirade as senator-judge against the prosecution panel.”

They have considered the words coming from the senator's mouth as inappropriate and an insult to the members of the prosecution and indignation to millions of the Filipinos watching the Corona impeachment trial calling them "gago" at the 26th day of the impeachment trial.

“The committee on ethics is required to act in order to spurn from bad precedence to any member of the Senate acting beyond their propriety and good manners otherwise the office will no longer enjoy a public trust,”a complainant  said.

Santiago is not yet issuing a response on this matter but on her tweet [@senmiriam], she said, “I'm very grateful to the Filipino people who see that despite everything, I'm a goodhearted person who's just trying to do good.”

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